With last week’s post on wheat, you may be wondering what you can do with ornamental grasses and wheat to enhance your landscape. Grasses attracts a wide variety of birds and other wildlife, create a great canvas you can enjoy yard art on, and can be used as a very pretty groud cover that can last all year round with a strong winter interest. You can take the traditional approach and use the tall grasses as a screen for patios, but here are 8 other inspirational ideas that you can use.
And for us that like our yards to be edible?
Anywhere that you would use tall grasses, think about using wheat instead.
- Soften hard edges of patios, piers, and walkways with grass along the side. Short ones may dip over, while taller ones can create a romantic, private, and even mysterious touch to the walk. Inspired by Desire to Inspire
- Make bold statements by using tall grasses that will stand up straight and tall or soften the look with grasses that bend in the slightest of breezes. Either way, tall grasses lend a modern touch to the undoubtedly rustic grass. Plant Therapy from Apartment Therapy.
- Play with form and function by adding mounding grasses and tall grasses in the beds. A Beautiful Minne life had also uses colours as well as a creating a gorgeous undulating shape.
- Another traditional staple is to have a single clump of grass to add both height and interest in a spot. It can be used to draw the eye away from something (like an ugly mailbox you want to replace… sometime) or draw attention to something — like that trellis you just worked so hard on.
- We can all agree that flowers are lovely, but too many of them is just, well, too many. Break up the monotony, add a touch of cosmopolitan flair, and make the flowers stand out all that much more by adding areas of grasses between flower bushes. Not So Country Now, Country Living.
- Trade in your potted geraniums for grasses that not only look stunning, but add a touch of elegance all season long. They start in the spring and don’t stop till fall. From Midwest Living to the rest of you.
- Whoever said grasses couldn’t be amazing on their own clearly never thought to make a border in the middle of nowhere with them. Use grasses to create borders, direct attention, and create rooms for a unique look. This is especially useful on top of a berm. Garden and Plants.
- Soften and add interest to the formal garden pieces by adding grasses in or around them. (FerrerBeekeeper)
Your turn.
Do you have any landscaping ideas to share for grasses? Share them in the comments!